Wednesday 21 August 2013


                Today was one of the bestest day in my life.I had such a wonderful time today completely filled with experiences.Everyone should be happy in life irrespective what is happening with them because whatever happens,happens for a reason.If negative things happen take it in a positive way and if positive things happen be happy for it but dont get carried away.
                 The day had a good start as I got up early and spent good time with parents.Then I spent an awesome time with one of my loved one.It was such a great time,we shared a lot of things and experienced many wonderful things as well.I am majorly happy for today because there were lot of things to do and I could do it all.After spending some good time in the morning,had been to hindi movie "Chennai Express" with my college friends and had a really superb time in the movie,the movie was goood as well.
              Then had been to McDonalds with few who had come to the movie,had great time there.But there was one problem,I had told one of my sister that I will be available at that time in home so that she could tie me rakhi on the occassion of "Raksha Bandhan" festival.Fortunately I could convince her to somehow come to place where I was and that thing was also done.
              The next important thing was I had to meet my mentor Sujit Lalwani Sir and Bharath Sir who had called for a meeting.So got dressed up in formals with suit and left for the meeting.There again I had a very good time again.I feel so proud that I am trusted so much by my mentors.And that was my own sisters had not tied rakhi because of their busy schedule and I had to get it tied in the evening.As I had been for a meeting I couldnt go to my sister's place and that was bothering me a bit.Fortunately when I came home I was happy to see that my brother was waiting for me and we both went and got rakhi tied.In the mean time I got a call from my best friend Bhargav after so many days which added to happiness.
             I completely loved the day:):):):)

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