Saturday 17 August 2013

Arrange your things properly

             "Cleanliness is next to godliness."is a proverb which many of us would have come across many times.Always staying clean is very important both physically and mentally.You can be clean when the surroundings are clean as well."Arrange your things properly" It may be books for studens,files for those who work and home items for house wives etc.
             Arranging them properly means placing them in the required position without letting it be here and there is very significant.How is it significant???Simple,if there are two shops:one  in which all the things are placed in particular way and another in which all the things are spread in different places,which would you prefer?? Obviouslt the former one.The same way arranging your things properly attracts you and develops interest when you are doing something related to it.If it was not arranged properly,interest would be lagging and just by looking at it you feel so awkward.
             Not only is it about interest or cleanliness.It is helpful in another way as well,when you need a particular thing such as your Mathematics textbook,it will be very easy if books are arranged properly and not left here and there.You can easily go to the place where books are arranged and pick it up.So it is helpful in this way also.And as mentioned in the beginning,cleanliness is next to godliness and by arranging your things properly,you are adding up to being clean.
             It also creates happiness.If things are arranged in a proper way,when you see them there is great feel of happiness because its NEAT.Similarly if its not arranged properly doesnt make you sad directly but might make you angry when you cant access required things easily.And one more example is in our own body that is tteth.You feel happy when all the teeths are arranged properly than when is not in good order.
          I am one who is not very good in arranging things but am improving in it.

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