Monday 18 August 2014

Rules for Letter Writing

          Start with a very strong opening headline,because if th headline is not attractive,people will not read further.This means,a headline is an advertisement to advertisement,or an announcement.
1. Address from the prospective buyer's point of view.
2. Focus on one major idea at a time.Be specific.(Don't beat around the bush).
3. Go with a logical sequence.
4. Use bullet points to emphasize benefits.Use testimonials for credibility and give proof of your claims.
5. Keep your letters short and brief,preferably half-page by and large.
6. Always proofread and spell-check your letter very carefully.
7. Personalize your letter by checking out the name of the prospect and spelling it properly.
8. Give them a strong reason to talk to you or see you.Make it compelling.
9. Include a brochure if it helps your chances of making the sale.
10. Don't promise something that you cannot do.
11. Close your letter with a call to action,either from your prospect's side or your side.
12. You can ask your prospect to take an action.(Example : please acknowledge this letter.They may or may not acknowledge,but that is immaterial).
13. Informing them that you will be taking an action.These will be vague and loose statements.It does not show seriousness.
For example : I shall call you within three to five days from now.Always specify a specific time period during which you will follow-up.Don't leave it open such as-'I shall call you later to follow up.'

These are some of the major rules of letter writing.Hopefully,it was meaningful and knowledgeable.I will surely add few examples of letters in my next blog post.

Thank you for reading.
-Vishwesh Wali from India.

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