Life is a mixture of various things and the solution for LIVING life is again a mixture or combination of various things.The most fundamental part of Life is Time and everything in this world depends on time.Your date of birth depends on time,your exam depends on time,your work depends on time and so on.I BELIEVE that Time management is the most tedious thing to learn but the most beneficial thing when you DO.
A wonderful quote about time that we are listening from ages : "Time and tide waits for none."Very much true!Time never waits for you whether you are awake,you are sleeping,you are healthy,you are not healthy,you are studying,you are reading and so on.But learning management of time is very important in one's life.
Examples to show the importance of time : You fail in an exam if you fail to manage TIME while writing your exam,you lose in a running race when you consume more TIME than the participant who won the race,you miss a chance to appear for a competitive exam if you cross the TIME of deadline given for applying for that particular exam.There are a lot more examples that you see each day which will help you understand the importance of time.
You will start managing time really well when you know the importance of each second and when you realise or understand the importance of each second,you REALIZE AND UNDERSTAND the importance and purpose of LIFE.
It so happens that we waste a lot of time in our lives.Our life gets a true beginning only when we understand the importance of time.A successful person is one who knows to manage time really well.Time management involves utilising or dividing time for various works or activities in the most EFFICIENT & PRODUCTIVE way possible.We fail a majority of times in our lives due to lack of time management skills.
It is the TIME that determines your past,present and future.So,make sure that you LIVE each minute of your life in the best way possible.Make sure of just one thing: At the end of the day,you must have a feeling that you have LIVED the DAY.
I believe that TIME is the most fundamental element of Life and hence the title of my today's blogpost is,'Time is the HEART of LIFE.'
Vishwesh Wali from India.
Thank you for reading.