Sunday 14 September 2014

It is a good practice to play 'brain training' Games.

                            The word "Games" easily brings smile on anyone's face.Before playing games in computer and play station was a trend.Nowadays technology has developed and everyone have Smartphones,right from children to elderly person.Playing games in Mobile is a trend now.I definitely admit that I am an addict and lover of games,irrespective of whatever device it is.Well,let me share about POSITIVES of games which I have been experiencing and would like even you to experience it.
                 "Anything in excess is poison" and playing games excessively is also definitely harmful.Especially,small children get addicted to playing games in computer,mobile etc which are harmful.However,playing outdoor games cause no harm and infact are very good for health and fitness.Play all kind of games but for a limited time.If you want to play games for a long time,then i have a solution.
              The SOLUTION is play games that help in training your brain,that challenges your brain,that helps in building your vocabulary.And playing such games does not need any limit and you can play for howmuch ever time you want.These games are very much beneficial as they help in exercising your brain and thus making your brain strong.It helps you in focusing well,concentration,thinking effectively and so on.
           Today's generation is addicted to smart phones and hence i recommend to develop a habit of playing games in smartphones that help in training your brain.Why so??Very simple,when you play games that help in training your brain and especially in smartphones(to which you are addicted),you get addicted to it and you tend to play more.Eventually,playing more of such games helps in training your brain and thus improving YOURSELF.The most amazing apps/games that i have got addicted to is Lumosity,Elevate,Speed reading.I use my mobile for calling someone,messaging and listening to music.Whenver i use my phone for a purpose other than what i have mentioned,will be for playing games that helps in exercising my brain.And the most amazing part when you download such games is that you get notifications,which will remind you that you have to exercise your brain.I just love it and hope you are also loving the idea!
             However i don't mean that you have to leave everything and just play such games.First priority must be your WORK and then whenever you spend time for games,invest that time in playing games that help in developing or strengthening your brain.
Thank you for reading.
Vishwesh Wali from India.

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