Monday 29 September 2014

"A rupee SAVED is a rupee EARNED"

   "Money"-The most important thing for human beings these days,more than the Oxygen they need to respire.It is also very true that a person has to have MONEY to support his life.
           How to earn money???Definitely,the first answer would be when you start working or when you start selling your products and idea and so on.There is one more simple but powerful method to EARN a lot.This method is called "Saving."I am damn sure that you all will know what is Savings but will make you understand its power by the end of this blogpost.
           I always remember this powerful quote-"A rupee SAVED is a rupee EARNED."I had seen this quote when I was doing my mathematics project on 'Banking' in my ninth standard.I UNDERSTOOD the meaning of that quote when I started Saving.I am someone who spends money on things only when there is a need for it.So I have successfully saved a lot of money and that means you have EARNED a lot of money.Isnt it true that when you have saved something,you have earned something?
          And when you develop an habit of saving,you not only save money but also start thinking properly when you are spending money on something.And when you consistently save money,you have no idea how much money you will make.This will make you understand the power of saving.
          Hats off to the Banks as they help in multiplying our savings over a period of time.There is something called Equity Mutual funds that offers upto 30% interest on the money you save in that account.For example,suppose your bank offers just 12% interest.Even if you can save a thousand rupees every month and put it for mutual funds,you will be able to make three times the money you invested in about 20 years.Isnt that amazing?Just by saving thousand rupees every month for 20 years or investing a total of Rs.240000,you will get around Rs.900000 by the end of 20 years.You just saved money and kept it in a bank and eventually got back more money over a period of time,than what you actually had saved.Hence,saving money is nothing less than earning money.
            When you save one rupee,you earn one rupee.Because when you save,it means you have a made a better choice that is making you spend less money than what was actually meant to be spent.So,it is same as earning that amount of money.Hence,"A rupee Saved is a rupee EARNED."
Thank you for reading.
Vishwesh Wali from India.

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