Sunday, 13 July 2014

The Secret-1

            Hello everyone!I am so happy and feeling so grateful that I chose to read the book called 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne.Its an amazing book that can surely transform life of anyone on this earth.I will make sure that I will repeatedly reinforce the learnings from this book as it will help me keep becoming better each time.
       These were some of the points that I read and learnt from the first chapter:  
1. The great secret of life is the Law of attraction.
2. The law of attraction says like attracts like.So when you think a thought,you are attracting like thoughts to you.
3. Thoughts are magnetic.Thoughts have frequency.When you think a thought,you send it out to the universe and it magnetically attracts all like thoughts which have the same frequency.Everything sent out return to the source-You.
4. You are like a human transmission tower,transmitting frequency with your thoughts.If you want to change anything in your life,change the frequency by changing your thoughts.
5. What you think of most or focus on most,appears as your life.
6. "Thoughts become things."
       Thank you all for reading.Hope your time spent on reading this blogpost was worth.

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