Thursday, 24 July 2014

I love getting up early!

          Good morning everyone!I am felling happy and grateful for whatever I am and whatever I have.Today's blogpost of mine is related to our daily routine-'Sleeping and getting up.'I usually get up late as I sleep late.There is a proverb itself about this-"Early to bed,early to rise."So one who sleeps early,gets up early.
           I am used to getting up late,but i wake up early too and I just love getting up early.There are several reasons why I love getting up early.

         First of all,you start the day fresh,when you get up early.You will be able to enjoy the cold weather,it won't be very bright outside,sounds of birds and above all,you can witness the beautiful sunrise.Other than these things,you start the day with others if you get up early.Though there are many who wake up late,90% people wake up early and hence you start the day with others if you wake up early.
          How do you feel if you miss classes when your school/college re-opens,and your friends or other classmates attend.Wont you feel incomplete?A feeling that you have missed something?A feeling that others are ahead?.I am sure that you would have experienced this at some or the other point in your lives.In the same way,you feel incomplete when you wake up late in the morning.Hence,waking up early,keeps you in the same line with others(or a majority of people).This is the main reason why I love getting up early.
             Getting up early in the morning also keeps you healthy,as you strain yourself less.And you also give yourself a good sleep/rest,when you get habituated to sleeping early and getting up early.You also maintain a good eating time table if you wake up early.Otherwise,you end up missing your breakfast,which is not good for health.A body works well when you consume food at regular intervals and mainly at proper time.
              Waking up early also helps you do your exercises better.I mean,you do exercises well and you put your heart and soul,while doing exercises in the morning.You might exercise well in the evening as well,but you will be comparatively more efficient in the morning and also feel fresh.
             Last but not the least,when you wake up early,you are very much free of the head-breaking traffic.You won't have to listen to the NOISE,when you wake up early.But waking up late,you start your day in an unpleasant manner with the traffic noise and several other things which disturbs your mind.
            So I conclude by telling that waking up early is beneficial and feels amazing as well.Follow this and you will rock your life-"Early to bed,early to rise."
Thank you all for reading!!!!!

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