Wish all Indians a Happy Gandhi Jayanthi
Gandhi jayanthi is a national holiday celebrated to mark the occasion of birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.Mahatma Gandhi is majorly known as "Father of our nation."The struggle of Mahatma Gandhi for freedom from britishers is commendable.He used the major weapon for freedom as "Non-violence" and it really worked.Even today Non-violence methods of Gandhiji is followed in certain situations and it really works.

However Google is there to know more about Mahatma Gandhiji.I want to share few thoughts for today.Gandhi Jayanthi no longer has its value,people are more happy about this day because its a holiday and not because its the birthday of the great freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhiji.It is not celebrated remembering the freedom struggle,instead its celebrated as a break from schools,colleges,office etc.
I dont mean that it must be celebrated in a grand way.Just celebrate it by doing something on this day that will make our country INDIA proud.And if there is a question as to what should be done in order to make the country proud.My simple answer is do your duties sincerely with happiness,that is more than enough.Because when you continue to fulfill your duties with sincerity,you will someday achieve something and hence make INDIA proud.
So I request all Indians to do something extra on this day,either in a small or big way to pay tribute to the Father of our nation.
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