It is always said that rising up early in the morning is very much essential.Everyone might have come across this-"Early to bed,early to rise."It mainly means go to bed early in the nights,have a good sleep and rise up early in the morning.The attitude of postponing things,lack of seriousness etc are the reasons for staying awake for long times in the nights.It definitely leads to getting up late in the morning and cycle continues.

In terms of health also,getting up early wont make you miss your breakfast,which is very very much essential.Breakfast,the word itself means break the fast after the previous night's dinner.So in case of getting up late,instead of having breakfast you will directly have brunch i.e., breakfast combined with lunch,which inturn affects your health.
So having an early start to the day makes you feel more energetic and fresh throughout the day and health is also well maintained.
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